Safer. Smarter. Cleaner. Greener.
迪士尼3彩乐园 has been a leader in the rail industry for more than 150 years, 创造交通解决方案 移动和改善世界. 有远见就能实现 零排放铁路生态系统 在世界范围内, 我们的团队将展示可持续设备, systems, 数码解决方案, 还有增值服务 加速交通的未来. 到我们的摊位来看看有什么新的和下一个铁路.
市场上性能最好的粘附管理解决方案,采用新一代算法,能够根据实际粘附条件动态自调整, 消除了设置的需要, and reducing dramatically the braking distance elongation in degraded adhesion conditions.
An advanced integrated brake control for TSI main line with service and emergency braking. 为区域发展, 高速和非常高速的火车, 该系统也符合大多数国家标准. Sharing the same pneumatic platform as Metroflexx, our integrated brake control for Mass.
第一个, 市场上完全集成的附着力管理解决方案,提供精确的砂流,以支持牵引或制动期间的附着力, as well as an adhesion modifier application to reduce noise and wear.
A full range of wheel mounted discs, usual and custom sizes, in 4 segments for easy installation & 保养,8孔花纹. 两种材料:高档铸铁 & 钢材的最佳资本支出 & 根据项目规范的运营成本.
The most modular, lightweight, and easy to maintain disc brake station on the market. 用于各种类型的气动制动应用.
压缩机机油每日检查, 几十年来,油和过滤器的更换/回收一直是运营商的负担,因此无油技术是必须的. The Buran oil-free piston compressor is Wabtec’s answer for a greener, 为所有运输列车提供更清洁的空气产生系统.
New blue line organic products set standards in performance and ecology. Complies with demanding new performance standards while improving sustainability.
New green-line sintered products set standards in performance and sustainability. Wabtec’s Green 摩擦线 significantly improves urban air quality. Generates up to 90% less fine particles mass during brake application.
Wabtec’s fully-automatic front coupler and proven design is applicable for mainline and metro applications. 半永久耦合器作为补充产品可用.
Designed for heavy rail application under TSI regulations in Europe and elsewhere. 它安装在迪士尼3彩乐园车辆的车顶上,确保在任何条件下架空接触线和列车之间的电流收集.
An advanced solution for real-time wear condition monitoring of pantograph carbon strips. 聪明的碳 is a cloud-based monitoring system for pantograph applications.
An extremely compact and 可靠的 relay module with a flexible design and fast delivery.
实时分析继电器和连接设备的状态,确定零件更换的准确时间. The result: reduced service costs and increased train control availability.
The most compact and 准确的 meter for train energy-consumption mapping. 我们的能量千分尺是精确测量列车多个子系统能耗的完美解决方案.
As the industry's first HVAC solution to use R290 natural refrigerant, 绿色的空气 is an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic refrigerants.
Wabtec is leading the transition to a low-carbon rail network with 迪士尼3彩乐园, 世界上第一辆重型卡车, 100%电池电力迪士尼3彩乐园. 迪士尼3彩乐园重型商用电池电力迪士尼3彩乐园可以提供电池容量,以满足各种轨道应用需求.
Wabtec offers the most comprehensive electric series of Railcar Movers/Shunters in the industry, 提供单位与牵引努力从3,从600磅一直到45磅,000.
With the introduction of new and innovative electronic devices for freight car applications, 对可靠的需求, 使用点功率继续增加. Wabtec的AxleMax为没有其他电源的货车提供独立的电力来源.
作为AAR互通服务中最受欢迎的转向架, the S-2-HD has a long and well-proven history for global heavy haul service, and includes optional features and accessories to meet specific operational requirements.
在铰接转向架上提供无松弛连接. It eliminates the need to stop cars for lubrication as well as for side bearing height adjustments. The SAC-1™ delivers substantial weight savings, improved car handling, 降低了运营成本.
转向架悬挂式制动系统在AAR中应用最为广泛, TMX® and UBX® brakes were designed for 在世界范围内 use under all service conditions.
Drastically reduce your operation and maintenance costs thanks to an increased lifespan of the disc and pads, 降低机械应力.
提高资产性能、可靠性和安全性. A pneumatic brake control unit provides an efficient interface between the brake pipe, 制动执行器, the auxiliary reservoir(s) and the load component(s) for all types of freight wagons.
一个网络, communication and application management platform that provides robust processing, 无线通信, 网络, 视频和数据存储. 接口与迪士尼3彩乐园和第三方系统,并具有机载无线功能,更容易的数据传输.
An all-in-one precision navigation system designed for onboard and wayside precision navigation. 精密参考 designates a system where centimeters of accuracy are important. Contains both an onboard-roving component as well as a base-station component.
A safety-critical system that provides a means to enforce movement authorities, 速度限制, work zones and switch positioning to help reduce the potential for train accidents. Integrates new technology with existing train control and operating systems.
使主干线轨道或车场的操作员能够通过手持操作员控制单元(OCU)远程控制列车. 该系统通过短信提供双向通信, LEDs, 还有声音警报, ensuring that the operator always knows the current state of the 迪士尼3彩乐园.
考虑地形因素的智能巡航控制系统, 火车化妆, 速度限制 and operating conditions to calculate an optimum speed profile. 然后,它自动控制迪士尼3彩乐园油门和动态刹车,以减少燃料消耗,并提供有效的列车处理.
全面的解决方案组合,提供非接触式主动监测迪士尼3彩乐园车辆状况. 涵盖关键部件并扩展到整个列车的检查, it combines machine vision with remote sensing technology and AI-driven analytics to optimize inspection.
Our four-step framework for yard automation provides a phased approach to optimizing yard operations. 跨决策支持, 库存管理, 资产的运动, 状态监测, 它使铁路公司能够在任何步骤中投入,并立即推动堆场运营的转型改进.
The high definition ceiling display is the perfect companion for rich travel information. Its remarkably thin design provides an impression of lightness while being extremely robust.
A great replacement for conventional reservation, ceiling, and partition displays in coaches. Its ideal location under the luggage rack provides all journey information near the passengers.
我们的全彩色LED显示屏的精细间距是丰富的旅游信息户外门禁的完美伴侣, 汽车侧面, 后面的窗户, 火车前面, 甚至在室内. Its remarkable vividness with color accuracy provides impressive images, 所有光照条件下的动画和视频.
没有列车人员的最高级别自动化需要新的信号系统和尖端的乘客信息解决方案. The Video 乘客呼叫小组 addresses this need with real-time video feeds to ground staff.
为公共交通运营商提供高效的视频监控解决方案,从车载记录到数据管理. X-TRACK™可以与我们的监控系统(SCS)相结合,形成由人工智能(AI)分析支持的多业务视频监控解决方案.